
There’s nothing better than a warm sauna to warm you up on those cold nights. We have several Finnleo brand sauna models on display in our showroom.


Image For Sauna PageWe offer a wide range of infrared and traditional saunas for individuals and couples. The main difference between the two types is the temperature and heat – depending on what you prefer we can steer you in the right direction. Sauna amenities include MP3 players, built in speakers, adjustable LED lights for color therapy and easy to use control panels. Stop in today to find the sauna that is right for you!

Top 9 Healthful Benefits of a Finnleo Sauna

Under high heat, the body releases endorphins – the bodies naturally produced pain relieving chemical. Endorphins can have a mild and enjoyable tranquilizing effect and the ability to quell the pain of arthritis (and muscle soreness from an intense workout). Body temperature rises from the heat of the sauna, causing blood vessels to dilate and circulation to increase. The increased blood flow accelerates the body’s natural healing process – soothing aches and pains and speeding up the healing process of cuts and bruises. Following sporting activity, use the heat and steam of a sauna for muscle relaxation by helping to reduce muscle tension and eliminate lactic acid and other toxins.

Medical research clearly shows stress in our every day lives adversely affects our health. In fact, the vast majority of disease is stress related. In 20 years of Finnleo surveying thousands of sauna users about why they use saunas – “stress relief” is the #1 most commonly cited “primary benefit.” The sauna provides stress relief in a number of ways. The heat of the sauna relaxes the body, improves circulation, and stimulates the release of endorphins – the bodies natural, feel good chemical, providing a wonderful “after sauna glow.”

Research shows a deeper sleep can result from sauna use. In addition to release of endorphins, when body temperature is raised in the late evening, it will fall at bedtime, facilitating sleep.

The sauna can be a private personal retreat or a relaxing environment for socializing with family and friends. The sauna environment is ideal for openness, quiet conversation and intimacy.

In today’s lifestyles many of us don’t actively sweat on a daily basis. Deep seating has multiple health benefits. Regular sauna bathing provides the benefits derived from a deep sweat. In the heat of the sauna, the core body temperature begins to rise. The blood vessels dilate, causing increased blood flow. As heat from the blood moves toward the skin surfaces and core body temperature rises, the body’s nervous system sends signals to the millions of sweat glands covering the body. As the sweat glands are stimulated they produce sweat. Sweat production is primarily for cooling the body, and is composed of 99% water – but deep sweating in a sauna can help reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickle and mercury – all toxins commonly picked up from our environment. At the same time, skin is cleansed and dead cells are replaced, keeping your skin in good working condition. Sweat rinses bacteria out of the epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Cleansing the pores improves the capillary circulation and gives the skin a soft, beautiful appearance.

In the heat of a sauna skin heats up and core body temperature rises. In response to the heat, the blood vessels near the skin dilate and cardiac output increases. Medical research shows the heart rate can rise from 60-70/min to 110 to 120/min in the sauna (140 – 150 with more intense bathing), and can often sink to below normal after the cooling off stage. With regular sauna use we not only train our heart muscle and improve the heart rate/cardiac output, but we also positively influence the regulatory system. Further cardiovascular conditioning occurs when the sauna is taken in multiple “innings,” with sessions in the sauna separated by cool showers or dips in a cool pool or lake. Every time you rapidly change temperature (from hot to cool and vice versa), your heart rate increases by as much as 60% – compared to regular exercise.

In a sauna, calories are expended in two ways. First is the sweat process itself. It takes energy to sweat and that energy is derived from the conversion of fat and carbohydrates in a process that burns up calories. According the U.S. Army research (Ward Dean M.D.), “a moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a single sauna session, consuming nearly 300 calories in the process.” The body consumes calories by way of accelerated heart activity (cardiovascular section). As heart activity increases, demanding more oxygen, the body converts more calories into energy.

German sauna medical research shows saunas significantly reduced the incidences of colds and influenza. As the body is exposed to a sauna’s heat and steam, it produces white blood cells more rapidly – which in turn helps fight illness and helps kill viruses. Saunas can relieve nasal congestion from colds and allergies – especially when used with steam (and eucalyptus added to the water for added benefit and enjoyment). The steam vapor action helps clear up uncomfortable congestion and is a wonderful part of the Finnish sauna experience.

A sauna not only feels good, it’s good for you. Whether it’s the physiological changes that occur with the warmth of a sauna, or it’s simply the time spent in the calm, retreat of the sauna, all who use saunas agree – it feels WONDERFUL! So as we go through our daily stressful lives, the sauna provides a pampering retreat – where we can relax and restore body and soul. A sauna truly makes you “FEEL BETTER”, “LOOK BETTER” and “SLEEP BETTER.”

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